Apr 25

Sessions that I attended today (most of the titles are actually in German, so I had to translate some):

  • Rating of software architectures, Part 1: Method
    Dr. Gernot Starke – very good speaker
    Experience is required for rating architectures; functional requirements are not enough; Quality tree -> ISO…, ATAM (Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method (SEI))
  • SOA – Defining services from a business point of view
    Lars Roewekamp, OpenKnowledge GmbH – ok, slides hardly readable from the back (small fonts)
    Some interesting thoughts about structuring services and service operations according to business requirements rather than existing IT architectures.
  • Keynote: Bringing Web 2.0 in the Enterprise
    Rahul Patel (Oracle)
  • Persistence with Spring
    Eberhard Wolff, Interface21 Germany – very good speaker
    Comparison of different persistence approaches using spring templates for plain JDBC, iBatis and O/R-mappers like Hibernate; recommendation to use O/R-mappers with great care, especially if database-centric/relational concepts have to be considered (batch operations, stored procedures etc.).
  • Keynote: The security development lifecycle at Microsoft
    Sebastian Weber, Microsoft Deutschland GmbH
    www.thedailywtf.com ;)
  • Message-oriented architectures based on Spring
    Jürgen Höller, Interface21 – good speaker
    API-oriented approach outlining the differences between messaging and asynchronous execution; would have expected to see some example architectures, but there were “only” small source code examples; nevertheless an interesting topic
  • Eclipse Code Camp Night
    Moderated by Wayne Beaton, Eclipse Foundation
    Some specific eclipse development problems were discussed ad-hoc; had some discussion with Wayne and Bernd Kolb about security in enterprise application clients based on RCP, but came to the conclusion that there is no project/proposal yet, unless I wrote one ;)

One Response to “JAX 2007: Wednesday April 25”

  1. JAX 2008: The journey starts tomorrow Says:

    […] Last year, we didn’t follow the whole conference but joined in only on Wednesday for the second and third main days. Additionally, we attended the workshop for model-driven development with […]
